Sunday, August 17, 2014

Resolutions - 2/2014

My teen students have learned to use GOING TO to talk about resolutions. To wrap things up, they were asked to illustrate a song by Jamie Cullum called NEXT YEAR. Although they have made very rough sketches, the result was very cute. Take a look:

Meus alunos do curso Teens (turma 61) aprenderam a usar o GOING TO para falar sobre intenções futuras. Pra encerrar o conteúdo, sugeri que eles ilustrassem a canção NEXT YEAR do cantor Jamie Cullum. Embora os desenhos tenham ficado inacabados, o resultado ficou bem legal. Dêem uma olhada: 


Sunday, August 10, 2014

My Best Friend - 2/2014

After learning how to describe people's physical characteristics, my students were asked to draw, color and write about their best friends. 

 Depois de aprender a descrever as características físicas das pessoas, pedi aos meus alunos que eles desenhassem, colorissem e escrevessem sobre o melhor amigo deles.